Virginia State Trooper on Patrol / Photo by Tony Alter via Wikimedia Commons

Three police officers were wounded after another officer had a negligent discharge inside a police station.

The officers involved in this incident had just returned to the police station after a day of training at the police range. They were cleaning their police-issued pistols when one officer had unintentionally discharged his firearm.

The round hit the concrete floor of the police station and shattered. Fragments from the round hit 3 separate officers in the legs.

The injuries these officers had obtained were minor and all three were able to walk to the ambulances waiting for them outside.

All three were treated for these injuries and two of the three are already back to work. The fate of the officer who fired the gun has not yet been decided.

This should serve as a pretty powerful reminder that gun safety is no joke. We know a thing or two about cleaning and handling firearms in a safe environment, check out our unloaded series to know more about that, and one of the most important things to do when cleaning a gun is to ensure that the chamber is clear and ensure the magazine is empty.

This was a mistake that no one should be making and the shooter is lucky that he didn’t kill anyone in this situation. What makes this story even worse is the fact that the cop responsible for the negligent discharge was a seven-year veteran of the police department.

Follow the rules of firearm safety and take extra precautions when cleaning handguns, most handguns require you to depress the trigger when cleaning it so all the more reason to be careful.

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