Photo of Kyle Rittenhouse at his trial / Screenshot from FOX6 via YouTube

Went Over State Lines to Attend a Riot 


One thing that keeps getting repeated is that Rittenhouse hopped over state lines in order to attend a protest in Kenosha as an armed counter-protester. 

This simply isn’t the case. 

Rittenhouse admits to going over to the city where his family lived to clean up spray paint and the damage done to the city from the night before, there is photographic evidence to back up these claims. Rittenhouse was photographed by a third party cleaning up graffiti with several others while in Kenosha. 

Rittenhouse admits to having brought the rifle for self-defense. Why a rifle? It would have been illegal to bring a handgun at his age and in this area. Note that these laws didn’t stop some of the rioters from going to the event armed. Rittenhouse needed a firearm to defend himself because numerous people have been killed at these events and his life was clearly threatened at this event, he likely would be dead and there would never have been a trial for his theoretical murders if he had not had a rifle. 

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