The confirmation of anti-2A gun control activist David Chipman rests entirely on the shoulders of just a few Senators.

David Chipman is one of the Biden Administration’s most controversial nominees, the ATF Agent (who was at the Waco siege) turned gun-control activist has ruffled more than a few feathers in his career. Chipman allegedly left his own duty firearms unattended and he has repeatedly failed to demonstrate any knowledge of firearms even when given softball questions.

With the Senate split 50/50 Democrat vice President Kamala Harris holds the tie-breaker power, but not all hope is lost as his controversy is cause for moderate Dems to back down from his confirmation.  Chipman’s confirmation is up to just a handful of Senators. The bad news for 2A is that these Senators are almost all Democrats.

Here are the Senators who could make or break Chipman:

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