McGrizzly via ( Flickr

By now almost everyone has heard Biden’s incoherent speech about how the patriots need fighter jets and nuclear bombs to take on the American government. While all of that babbling was going on Smith and Wesson came forward and quietly announced they had made over $1.1 Billion in sales in the year 2020.

From the Daily Wire: 

While President Biden is attacking gun ownership with statements such as “The Second Amendment from the day it was passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun and what type of weapon you could own. … Well, the tree of liberty is not [watered with] the blood of patriots, what’s happened is that there never been, if you want, if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons,” one of the largest gun companies in America reported that they became the first gun company to rack up more than $1 billion in sales in a calendar year.

As Stephen Gutkowski reports at The Reload, “Smith & Wesson reported its best sales year ever in 2020, topping $1.1 billion in net sales for the first time ever. That’s up more than 100 percent from 2019.”

On June 17, Smith & Wesson CEO Mark Smith stated on an earnings call:

Earlier today, we announced to our employees that this year, we will be distributing over $14 million to eligible employees, which will be 15% of each employee’s annual wages. In addition, the company achieved a very significant milestone in fiscal 2021, surpassing $1 billion in sales for the first time in our 169-year history. As I said, this would not have been possible without all of our employees. And so, in recognition of this milestone, we will also be awarding every employee who is not eligible for our management bonus program a special bonus of $1,200 for a full-time employee and $600 for temporary workers, prorated for the month of service during the fiscal year and to be paid next Thursday, June 24.

Major pushes for gun control always drive more gun sales, it wasn’t that long ago when people would say that Barack Obama is the best gun salesman in America. Biden’s anti-gun rhetoric is driving more gun sales, Biden’s anti-gun owner rhetoric is pushing moderate gun owners further into the pro-2A fold.

Smith and Wesson is just one company who scored big last year when we saw a boom in gun sales. Unfortunately for America, these sales were propelled not only by anti-gun rhetoric but by an entire summer of rioting, looting, and violence.

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