Members of the GOP have begun filing legislation that would disband the ATF and redirect funds to victims of the agency’s Fast and Furious operation.

The legislation, sponsored by Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, would abolish the ATF and give the funds originally destined for the organization over to family members “of border patrol agents killed as a result of Operation Fast and Furious.”

For those unaware, Operation Fast and Furious was a highly controversial program by the ATF that involved allowing illegal firearm sales to go through in the American Southwest. This program ran between 2009 to 2011 and 2,00 guns were sold to straw buyers and firearms traffickers. The ATF believed that they could trace these firearms as they went into the criminal underworld, but that wasn’t the case. It is believed that most of these guns fell into the hands of the cartel and were used to murder border patrol agents and Mexican citizens.

Marjorie Taylor Greene took to Twitter to share her reasoning behind pushing this legislation.

While the idea is one many conservatives and firearms enthusiasts can get behind we can call it now, there is no way that this bill will ever pass with the Democrats firmly in control of the legislature.

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