Richard Roberson via Flickr

Missouri may be the next state to incorporate 2A sanctuary legislation.

2A sanctuary legislation does not nullify gun laws on the federal or local level, this legislation instead bars local law enforcement from working with federal authorities on matters related to the 2nd Amendment.

From The Kansas City Star:

Missouri is a step closer to allowing guns on buses and declaring federal firearms laws “invalid.”

A state Senate committee Thursday advanced two gun rights expansion bills to the floor. Both have already passed the House.

The bill allowing concealed-carry permit holders to bring guns onto public transit is opposed by Kansas City transit officials and Mayor Quinton Lucas.

The other bill, an annual proposal, would nullify federal gun laws and regulations, including those that require fees, registration or tracking of guns. It would bar police in Missouri from enforcing those rules and allow those who believe their Second Amendment rights have been violated to sue local law enforcement for $50,000.

2A sanctuary legislation has quickly become a popular proposal and many states are looking to pass this legislation before the Biden Administration and Democrats push more gun control through.


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