The controversial Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021 would not only enhance background checks to an absurd level, it would force the Attorney General to work with the National Resource center on Domestic Violence and Firearms. This group is anti-2A and would likely be getting tax payer money if this bill were to pass. The group is also partnered with an gun control advocate group called Giffords law center.

From The Washington Free Beacon: 

Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn’s (D., S.C.) H.R. 1446 would require the attorney general to work with the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence and Firearms to report how the bill affects victims of domestic violence and empower the group to suggest other reforms. The center is a partner of the gun-control advocacy group Giffords Law Center, according to its website. The Giffords PAC spent more than $11 million backing Democratic candidates in the 2020 election.

The connection between the report and a prominent gun-control organization could hinder the appeal of the legislation. If Republicans or moderate Democrats are turned off by the provision, it will make the job of passing it through a closely divided House even more difficult. A similar bill passed in 2019 but saw seven Democrats join Republicans in opposition; H.R. 1446 would likely not survive such defections in 2021 following GOP gains in the House.

The bill would drastically increase the number of days the FBI can delay a gun purchase, giving the agency wide discretion to determine whether the buyer is prohibited from owning a gun. It would also require the attorney general’s office, “in consultation with the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence and Firearms,” to submit a report within 150 days of enactment. Republican Study Committee chairman Rep. Jim Banks (R., Ind.) said the provision undermines the bipartisan label Democrats are hoping to achieve for the bill.

This is as far from “Bipartisan” as it gets, this bill would not only stifle the second amendment but it would help Democrats do further damage to constitutional freedoms in the future. This bill as well as the Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021 are hot topics of debate and many are unware of details such as those mentioned in this article.

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