Photos Courtesy of Lucas Edmonds

Gun stores across the country have seen a massive boom in gun sales over the past year and many experts agree that this trend is likely to continue as social division and the pandemic rage on. The increase in sales is nothing but a good thing for supporters of the second amendment, outside of the increase in ammo costs of course. More people buying guns means more people are learning about guns and the procedure to get a gun in their area, this will make it harder for politicians to pull the wool over the eyes of the voter when it comes to gun control legislation. More from The Blade: 

Toledo-area gun store owners are reporting bare shelves and a months-long backlog as the demand for firearms and especially ammunition continues to exceed the supply.

They expect the 2020 record firearm and ammunition sales levels to continue at least for several months until pandemic-based anxiety and increased societal division subside.

Local stores are reporting an influx of first-time gun buyers, pointing to doubts about the election and fears that President Biden might keep his gun-control campaign promises.

His agenda includes making manufacturers culpable for products used in crimes, stopping the sale of guns and ammunition on the Internet, banning high-capacity magazines, and reviving the 1990s ban on assault weapons.

The story being reported in Toledo, Ohio is unoriginal as almost every state in the country is seeing the same thing. Fresh faces walking into gun stores looking to make their very first purchase as violence is on the rise and the looming threat of big government may soon outlaw many of America’s most common firearms. As stated earlier, outside of the massive ammo shortages and subsequent increase in prices this is nothing but a win for pro-2A forces in America.

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